react-indepth 读书笔记

1 React Life Cycle Methods Overview

Birth / Mounting

  1. Initialize / Construction

  2. getDefaultProps() (React.createClass) or MyComponent.defaultProps (ES6 class)

  3. getInitialState() (React.createClass) or this.state = ... (ES6 constructor)

  4. componentWillMount()

  5. render()

  6. Children initialization & life cycle kickoff

  7. componentDidMount()

    Growth / Update

  8. componentWillReceiveProps()

  9. shouldComponentUpdate()

  10. componentWillUpdate()

  11. render()

  12. Children Life cycle methods

  13. componentDidUpdate()

Death / Unmount

  1. componentWillUnmount()
  2. Children Life cycle methods
  3. Instance destroyed for Garbage Collection

setState setState

2 Growth/Update In-depth

  1. The Growth phase is triggered in three different ways: changeing of props, changing of state or calling forceUpdate();
  2. Props are immutable by the Component itself.

3 why react need key ?

By having an identifier based on the data content instead of order, we can help optimize the Component rendering.

4 小结
